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JAG came to Connecticut in 2014 as a program of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education, and is working in partnership with local school districts. Goals are graduation, post-secondary education, and sustaining employment.
Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) is a state-based national program dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk. JAG is currently offered in 32 states, and in more than three decades of operation has delivered consistent, compelling results. Key outcomes include a 91% graduation rate, doubling the rate that at-risk youth get jobs, and tripling the rate at which they get full-time jobs.
JAG CT works within partner school districts to deliver the proven JAG professional-skills curriculum as a one-credit elective course. The program focuses on personal engagement and accountability, education and training needed for in-demand careers, and employment. JAG also includes mentoring, project-based learning, community engagement and 12 months of post-graduation follow-up.
JAG CT is operated under a contract with the Connecticut Department of Labor and with funding from numerous state agencies. JAG CT serves seniors at East Hartford High School, Hartford Public High School, Manchester High School, New Britain High School and Windham Middle School.
JAG CT Advisory Board: