
Journal Inquirer Profiles EHHS JAG Program

Patty Damiani’s East Hartford High School JAG classes had a visitor last week: Journal Inquirer reporter Kathleen McWilliams, who wrote a story for Friday’s paper about how JAG came to Connecticut and showcasing some of Damiani’s activities.

Creativity is an important part of the JAG Specialists’ job, McWilliams reported. JAG teaches core competencies which have been time-tested and are in demand by employers, she wrote. But Specialists can be creative in how they teach them.

McWilliams observed Damiani leading a class discussion on values, asking them to take a position and then discuss their opinion on provocative questions: Does everyone need a high school diploma? If you see a co-worker stealing from your employer, are you obligated to report it?

Damiani also demonstrated the notion of value by taking a $20 bill, writing on it, crumpling it up and stomping on it.

“Does this still have value?” she asked the class. “…Well, the same is true of people. You can go through things that mark you, but every person still has the same value. No one is worth more than you.”

Click here for the full Journal Inquirer story.


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